(KATY) – The City of Katy is asking residents to help the Street Department prevent flooding by monitoring the drains and ditches on their street and maintaining drainage on their property.
Help keep leaves and debris out of drains by:
Refraining from blowing, sweeping, and raking yard debris into the streets or directly into drains. This can cause street flooding.
Raking fallen leaves and sticks in your yard and disposing of them during your regular trash collection day (brush less than 2 inches in diameter, no longer than 4 feet in length, tied in bundles, and less than 40 pounds).
If you see that debris is blocking a storm drain - use a dustpan, shovel or a trash can lid to remove debris from the top of the drain. Gloves are recommended. Safely place all debris into a plastic garbage bag.
For any questions or concerns, please contact Public Works at publicworksinfo@cityofkaty.com or 281-391-4820.
