(RICHMOND) - In recognition of Family-History Month in October, Fort Bend County Libraries’ Genealogy & Local History Department at George Memorial Library will join the Genealogy Network of Texas in a state-wide, collaborative Genealogy Lock-In for family-history buffs on Friday, Oct. 20, from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., in the Meeting Room of the library, located at 1001 Golfview in Richmond.

A series of teleconferences with topics of interest to family-history researchers will be live-streamed throughout the day. Participants may attend to view all the sessions, or they may choose to view individual sessions. The schedule is as follows:
• 10:30-11:30 a.m. – “Linking the Generations with Court & Land Records,” presented by The Legal Genealogist Judy Russell, JD, CG, CGL. Learn how to use court and land records to confirm links between generations. This presentation is sponsored by the Texas Research Ramblers Genealogical Society.
• 11:50 a.m.-12:50 p.m. – “Tame the Chaos Tiger: Organize Your Records & Research,” presented by Susan Ball, President of the Texas State Genealogical Society. Learn about tools that are helpful for organizing one’s genealogical research and get tips on formulating a research plan.
• 1:05-2:05 p.m. – “Uncover Your Family’s Story Using the Periodical Source Index (PERSI),” presented by Elizabeth Hodges, Senior Librarian in the Genealogy Center at the Allen County (IN) Public Library. Produced by the staff of The Genealogy Center and recently made free to the public, the Periodical Source Index (PERSI) is the premier subject index for genealogy and local-history periodicals. Learn tips and tricks for making the most efficient use of this family-history research tool.
• 2:20-3:20 p.m. – “Placing Your DNA Matches on Your Tree,” presented by Ryan Russell, genetic genealogist with Open Door Genetics. Learn strategies for identifying your DNA matches and determining your common ancestors. Gain a better understanding of your DNA matches and how they can lead to new discoveries.
• 3:35-4:35 p.m. – “Checking on Czech Immigrants to the United States,” presented by Heather Mecham, research specialist for FamilySearch. Identifying the town name of an immigrant ancestor is key to discovering Czech roots. Many U.S. records can reveal an immigrant’s place of origin. This class highlights U.S. record types that are key to Czech research. Learn about FamilySearch resources such as Czechia Guided Research, which can help locate the correct Czech Archive once a town name is known.
Lunch is not included, but those attending the workshop are welcome to bring a lunch with them.
Co-sponsored by the Central Texas Genealogical Society, the Texas State Genealogical Society, and the Genealogy Network of Texas, the workshop is free and open to the public. Seating is limited, however, and reservations are required. To register online at Fort Bend County Libraries’ website (www.fortbend.lib.tx.us), click on “Classes & Events,” select “George Memorial Library,” and find the program. Participants may also register by calling the library’s Local History and Genealogy Department at 281-341-2608.