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Staff Writer

MoCity Firefighters Use Traps, a Bucket and Remote-Controlled Vehicle to Rescue Dog in Drainage Pipe

(MISSOURI CITY) – Missouri City firefighters, along with Animal Control, Public Works and staff from Quail Valley Municipal Utility District, worked overnight and again on Labor Day to rescue a small dog that found himself stuck in mud stuck in mud deep inside a 100-foot section of underground drainage pipe over the weekend.

According to city officials, rescuers worked together to come up with creative ideas to rescue the dog, including using containment traps, pulling a bucket on a rope to snag the dog and even using a remote-controlled vehicle equipped with a camera.

“In the end the team cleaned, flushed and vacuumed debris from the pipe which allowed a QVMUD employee to make his way through the pipe rescuing the small dog,” said representatives of Missouri City Fire and Rescue. “The dog received immediate veterinary care from the Animal Control Officer on scene and was handed over to the owner exhausted, alive and very dirty.”

Photos Courtesy of Missouri City Fire and Rescue.


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