(RICHMOND) - The City of Richmond has been working on a Traffic Signal Box Art Wrap program for the fourteen traffic boxes located in the city. The Parks and Recreation Board, along with Richmond’s Historical Commission, are evaluating artistic renderings of historical places or structures, as a central design theme to wrap these traffic signal boxes.

Carmen Flores, a local artist and owner of Catapult Art Gallery in downtown Richmond, offered to provide her expertise and assist the process by sending out a participation invitation to local artists for submissions for the art wraps.
Artists will be provided reference pictures to create their own artistic version of the design, as well as criteria to follow for renderings for these traffic signal boxes. City staff expects to receive all final submissions by Feb. 8.
Proposed art will then be reviewed and approved by Richmond Historical Commission and the Parks and Recreation Board before moving on to the City Commission for approval. After city approval the proposed renderings will be submitted to TxDOT for final approval and permitting.